Friday, 23 September 2011

Counting Calories

Losing weight is actually pretty simple. All you need to do is basic maths, + and - .

So all you need to do is find out you Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) and eat without exceeding the calories based on your BMR.

You find out your BMR using the tool here:

BMR is basically how much your body burn even if you don't do anything. It's the amount of calory needed mostly to mantain body temperature, digestion etc.

To loose weight, you need to either eat less than your BMR or exercise to create a deficit. The fastest way to loose weight is of course to do both. It is advisable to keep the calories intake at above 1200 though because lower than that, your body will be in starvation mode and it will be harder and will take longer to loose weight. Beside that it is also likely you will binge after suffering of starvation.

For myself my BMR is about 1800. To loose 1 pound per week (about 0.5 kg) I need to mantain 1650 kcal per day. I also have some time to exercise, losing average of 300 kcal per day so nett calories is 1350. So that mean a weight lost of about 0.7kg per week, which is pretty accurate so far based on my progress. To calculate how much deficit that you need to loose weight, you could use this tool:

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